Popular with other people
鵝片(例牌)Marinated Goose Meat (Regular)
$288.00潮州蠔仔烙 (例牌)
$226.00鵝掌翼(例牌)Marinated Goose Web and Wing (Regular)
$240.00特色凍馬友魚(6件)Poached Fish Served Cold (6pcs)
$288.00沙茶牛脊肉(例牌)Braised Sirloin Beef in Satay Sauce (Regular)
$318.00手工鮮蟹棗(4件)Deep-Fried Crab Meat Balls(4pcs)
$240.00川椒鮮雞球(例牌)Sauteed Sliced Chicken in Chili Garnished with Crispy Pearl Vegetable (Regular)
$432.00普寧豆醬雞(半隻)Stewed Chicken in Puning Soya Bean Paste (Half)
$432.00鮮蝦水瓜烙 (例牌)
推薦菜式Special Recommendation
煎雪花肥牛(1位)Pan-Fried Snowflake Beef (1person)
特色小菜 Special Dishes
方魚炒芥蘭 (例牌)
$192.00普寧豆醬雞(半隻)Stewed Chicken in Puning Soya Bean Paste (Half)
$432.00脆炸普寧豆腐(例牌)Deep-Fried Crispy Puning Bean Curd (Regular)
$166.00川椒鮮雞球(例牌)Sauteed Sliced Chicken in Chili Garnished with Crispy Pearl Vegetable (Regular)
$306.00手工鮮蟹棗(4件)Deep-Fried Crab Meat Balls(4pcs)
$240.00涼瓜腩肉煲 (例牌)
$202.00傳統豆醬燜春菜(例牌)Stewed Spring Cabbage with Soya Bean Paste (Regular)
$192.00鮮蝦水瓜烙 (例牌)
$226.00蝦皮爆炒蘿蔔絲(例牌)Stir-Fried Shredded Turnip with Dried Shrimps(Regular)
$166.00雙欖炒四季豆 (例牌)
$166.00泡椒炒牛脊肉 (例牌)
$318.00梅羔脆鱔 (例牌)
$336.00潮州蠔仔烙 (例牌)
$226.00辣燒九肚魚 (例牌)
$226.00竹笙雲腿豆腐煲 (例牌)
$226.00潮陽鮮蝦棗(4件)Deep-Fried Minced Shrimp Balls(4pcs)
$192.00沙茶牛脊肉(例牌)Braised Sirloin Beef in Satay Sauce (Regular)
$318.00菜脯肉碎煎蛋(例牌)Pan-Fried Scramble Egg with Dried Radish and Minced Pork (Regular)
$178.00珍珠蠔烙 (例牌)
$816.00酥炸蠔卷 (2件)
$188.00欖仁髮菜卷(4件)Deep-Fried Sea Moss and Pine Seed Roll(4pcs)
$144.00椒鹽九肚魚 (例牌)
$226.00鮑魚一品煲 (例牌)
$816.00生焗野生雜魚煲 (例牌)
$442.00香煎曹白鹹魚 (例牌)
$336.00乾煎斗䱽魚 (例牌)
$816.00青瓜肉碎煮魚鰾 (8件 | 例牌)
$576.00薑蔥焗魚鰾 (8件 | 例牌)
$576.00蔥花炒蠔爽 (例牌)
$816.00豉油炒海南吊片(例牌)Stir-Fried Squid in Soy Sauce (Regular)
$322.00梅子蒸烏耳䲈 (例牌)
$336.00金不換煎焗農場雞 (例牌)
$432.00燕窩石榴雞 (1位)
$120.00煎雪花牛肉 (1位)
$576.00蝦籽炆海參豆腐 (例牌)
$456.00韭菜炒潮州芽菜(例牌)Stir-Fried Chive Stem and Bean Sprout(Regular)
肉碎蠔仔粥(1位)Porridge with Minces Pork and Baby Oyster (1 person)
$106.00特色凍馬友魚(6件)Poached Fish Served Cold (6pcs)
$288.00老陳皮燉花膠(1位)Double Boiled Fish Maw Soup with Dried Mandarin Peel
$456.00鵝片(例牌)Marinated Goose Slice (Regular)
$288.00潮汕陳年老菜脯粥(1位)Porridge with Preserved Elder Radish (1 person)
凍食Cold Dishes
特色凍馬友魚(6件)Poached Fish Served Cold (6pcs)
$288.00潮州鹹雞(半隻)Chiu Chow Salted Chicken (Half)
潮州滷水Chiu Chow Marinated Food
$432.00鵝片(例牌)Marinated Goose Meat (Regular)
$288.00鵝肝(例牌)Marinated Goose Liver (Regular)
$432.00鵝掌翼(例牌)Marinated Goose Web and Wing (Regular)
$33.00五年老鵝頭半條Marinated Five Years Old Goose Head
$1,080.00鵝腸(例牌)Marinated Goose Intestines (Regular)
$264.00鵝腎(例牌)Marinated Goose Gizzard(Regular)
$216.00鵝肉 (例牌)
$264.00滷水大腸(例牌)Marinated Pig's Intestines (Regular)
$240.00滷水豆腐(例牌)Marinated Bean Curd (Regular)
$105.00滷蛋(1隻)Marinated Egg (1 pc)
$130.00老陳皮燉花膠(1位)Double Boiled Fish Maw Soup with Dried Mandarin Peel (1 person)
$456.00石斛花旗參燉豬展(1位)Double Boiled Pork Soup with Dendrobium and Ginseng (1 person)
$202.00燕窩素菜羹(1位)Braised Bird's Nest Thick Soup with Mashed Vegetable (1 person)
$264.00竹笙鮮蟹肉羹(1位)Braised Carb Meat Thick Soup with Bamboo Fungus (1 person)
$166.00鹹菜生蠔湯 (2隻 | 1位)
$202.00酸辣海參羹 (1位)
燕窩及海參Bird's Nest and Sea Cucumber
紅燒官燕(1位)Braised Bird's Nest in Brown Sauce(1 person)
$552.00高湯官燕(1位)Braised Bird's Nest in Consomme(1 person)
$552.00冰花官燕(1位)Double Boiled Sweetened Bird's Nest in Sugar Candy (1 person)
$480.00杏汁官燕(1位)Double Boiled Sweetened Bird's Nest in Almond Milk(1 person)
$480.00鮑汁海參燜肉丸 (1例)
$816.00鮑汁脆皮海參 (1位)
鮑魚 Abalone
14頭特級南非乾鮑 (1隻)
點心Dim Sum
韭黃煎鮮筍粿 (3件 | 1份)
$81.00煎韭菜粿(3件/1份)Pan-Fried Chive Stem Dumpling (3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00芋絲炸春卷(3件/1份)Deep-Fried Shredded Taro Spring Roll(3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00潮州粉粿(3件/1份)Steamed Chiu Chow Dumpling (3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00潮式鮮筍蝦餃 (3件 | 1份)
$96.00陳皮牛肉角 (3件 | 1份)
$66.00蔥油糯米卷(3件/1份)Steamed Glutnous Rice Roll with Scallion Oil(3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00欖仁馬拉糕(3件/1份)Chinese Sponge Cake with Indian Almonds(3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00蘿蔔絲春卷 (3件 | 1份)
$66.00普寧灌章(芋頭) (4件 | 1份)
$72.00普寧灌章(蘿蔔) (4件 | 1份)
$116.00椰菜炸油粿(3件或1份) Cabbage Deep-fried Mashed Yam Dumpling (3pcs or 1 portion)
$72.00(甜)家鄉炸油粿(3件/1份)Sweet Deep-fried Mashed Yam Dumpling (3pcs/ 1 portion)
$66.00透明水晶包(4件/1份)Sweetened Crystal Bun (4pcs / 1 portion)
$60.00清甜棗皇糕 (3件 | 1份)
飯類 Rice
芋頭南瓜焗飯 (例牌)
$202.00絲苗白飯 (1碗)
$24.00櫻花蝦包菜炒飯(例牌)Fried Rice with Dried Shrimps and Shredded Cabbage(Regular)
粉麵類 Noodles
糖醋兩面黃伊麵(例牌)Pan-Fried Noodles Served with Sugar and Vinegar(Regular)
$202.00潮州墨魚丸湯河粉 (1位)
$106.00沙茶牛頸脊炒河粉(例牌)Fried Flat Rice Noodles with Sliced Sirloin Beef in Satay Sauce(Regular)
$318.00玉蘭鮮蝦炒米粉(例牌)Fried Rice Vermicelli with Diced Kale and Fresh Shrimps(Regular)
$202.00家鄉炒麵線(例牌)Fried Noodles with Shredded Salty Pork, Chive Stem and Bean Sprout(Regular)
$202.00潮州手工魚蛋湯河粉 (1位)
$106.00潮陽炒河粉 (例牌)
粥類 Porridge
方魚肉碎粥 (1位)
$106.00肉碎蠔仔粥(1位)Porridge with Minces Pork and Baby Oyster (1 person)
$106.00潮州白粥 (1碗)
$24.00潮汕陳年老菜脯粥(1位)Porridge with Preserved Elder Radish (1 person)
$118.00溫泉水煲白粥 (例牌)
福菓芋泥(1位)Steamed Sweetened Mashed Taro with Ginkgo(1 person)
$58.00蛋白杏仁茶(1位)Sweetened Mashed Almond Tea (1 person)
$58.00生磨核桃露(1位)Sweetened Mashed Walnut Cream(1 person)
$58.00清心豆爽(1 位)Sweetened Green Bean and Dough with Sugar Candy(1 person)
$58.00返沙芋頭(6件)Deep-Fried Taro with Syrup(6pcs)
$144.00蟠桃壽包(半打)Steamed Longevity Bun with Lotus Seed Paste(Half Dozen)
$130.00糕燒四寶 (例牌)